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Integrate HELIX seamlessly into corporate IT

HELIX is designed from the ground up for deep integration with other applications - by supporting all common standards and formats, flexible data views and imports, optimized streaming data exchange in real time, single sign-on in both directions and, last but not least, know-how from hundreds of successful interface projects - HELIX enables consistent cross-application digitization without unnecessary effort and disruption.

hero image Christian - customer problem solver
Import in HELIX

Flexible import interface

The flexible HELIX import interface can query, process and import any data in a wide variety of formats from a wide variety of sources into HELIX. From simple manual file imports and automated file transports to REST APIs and real-time communication.
Many possible sources From simple manual file uploads and automated retrieval from file servers (e.g. via SFTP) to receiving POST requests and querying REST or SOAP APIs, there are no limits to the integration of company data.
Flexible parser In the freely configurable parser phase of the import interface, different sources can be read in different formats (text, CSV, Excel, XML, JSON, ...) - triggered manually, automatically at regular intervals or triggered via webhook for real-time updates.
Flexible transformers Any number of configurable transformer steps (from simple filters, calculations, duplicate handling or aggregations to complex links with other sources and the database) can be used to transfer the data into the HELIX data structure, regardless of the structure in which it is available.
Flexible persisters The transformed data can then be imported into all available HELIX objects and fields, whereby the rules for creation, updating and deletion can be freely defined.
Provision via the HELIX API All imports can be made available on the HELIX API to automatically read data from other applications or to allow other applications to write data to HELIX.
Streaming transfer Even very large volumes of data can be queried and processed using streaming data transfer.
Many preconfigured imports Preconfigured imports exist for all important objects, so that both the import of legacy data and regular updates can be carried out with ease.
Detailview in HELIX

Flexible views and export interface

With the flexible HELIX views, you can compile any list with just a few clicks, share it within the company and export it for use in any application - not only as a file, but also as a web interface.
Flexible columns Each field from each object can be displayed as a column in a list, arranged and sorted as required.
Flexible filters Any field and data format can be filtered, even with relative filters, e.g. based on the current account or current date.
Grouping, aggregation and pivot view Each column can be grouped as required, whereby hierarchical grouping and multiple grouping are supported. Grouped views can be switched to compact pivot grids.
Export as Excel and CSV Views can be saved, shared and exported as Excel or CSV at any time - for further processing or import into any other application.
Provision via the HELIX API Each view can not only be exported as a file, but also made available as an API endpoint in JSON format on the web or transferred to external interfaces in various formats via POST request.
Authorization Common standards such as Basic Access Authentication, Public/Private Keys, OAuth, Bearer Token, JWT and IP locks can be used to secure endpoints.
Delta imports and deleted objects Changes to all objects are logged without gaps. This means that a delta can be requested from each endpoint by specifying a timestamp in order to massively reduce the transmission effort. Deletions are also transmitted.
Streaming transmission Streaming data transmission allows even very large volumes of data to be retrieved and processed from HELIX.
Many preconfigured views and APIs There are preconfigured views and APIs for all important objects so that data can be retrieved without any effort.
Analysis in HELIX

Connection to billing systems

HELIX is optimally prepared for connection to all billing systems. Thanks to the extensive existing data structure for billing data, fully implemented and tested import and export interfaces and experience from a four-digit number of successful connections.
Comprehensive billing data HELIX speichert nicht nur die Stammdaten eines Abrechnungssystems, sondern die gesamten Abrechnungsdaten – von Tariftabellen über historisierte Arbeitszeiten, Steuerdaten, Sozialversicherung, Einstufungen, Lohnarten, Einmalzahlungen, Altersteilzeit bis zu den fertigen Entgeltabrechnungen (als PDF und als auswertbaren Datensatz für die Personalkostenplanung). Alles bis auf den eigentlichen Abrechnungslauf.
Preconfigured imports Ready-made import interfaces are available for the data structure of common payroll systems. Depending on the capabilities of the payroll system and the existing infrastructure, both automated web interfaces and automated file transports can be used.
Preparatory payroll accounting The HELIX application and reporting processes enable the fully digital recording of payroll-relevant data changes in self-service - including, for example, master data changes, working time changes, marriages, births, overtime, upgrades and gradings, changes to remuneration, one-off payments, vacation requests, sickness notifications or travel expenses. All optimally prepared for transfer to the payroll system in a bidirectional interface.
Modern DATEV interface HELIX uses the modern online interface provided by DATEV since 2023 to exchange data robustly and effortlessly with your DATEV system.

Turnkey integrations

By using the flexible import and export interface, a large number of turnkey integrations of applications have already been created that can be used directly without any effort.

Web Based Training
Further interfaces


Install our fully developed HELIX interface via transport request in your SAP system and start immediately with the transfer of master data, addresses, communication, measures, objects, links, cost centers, cost distribution, target classification, target working time, organizational assignments, disability, working time, contract data, Family, training, company functions, dates, secondary employment, partial retirement, basic pay, bank details, tax data, social insurance, recurring payments, one-off payments, pay scale groups, wage types, payslips, certificates of absence - via automated file transfer.


HELIX uses the modern online interface provided by DATEV since 2023 to exchange data with your DATEV system robustly and effortlessly. Authorize yourself once via a simple workflow in your DATEV system to activate the interface. Then regularly retrieve master data and accounting data from the DATEV system via the modern web interface to avoid duplicate maintenance. Import monthly payslips for easy provision in HELIX (e.g. in our HELIX mobile app). Write data from the preparatory payroll accounting back to DATEV as soon as the modern online interface developed by DATEV allows this.


There are preconfigured imports for master data, address data, communication data, organizational units, positions, target working time, organizational assignment, payslips and certificates. The exchange takes place via automated file transports (SFTP or POST request).

P&I Loga

There are preconfigured imports for master data, address data, communication data, organizational units, positions, planned working time, organizational assignment, payslips and certificates. The exchange takes place via automated file transports (SFTP or POST request).


There are preconfigured imports for master data, address data, communication data, payslips and certificates. The exchange takes place via automatable file transports (SFTP or POST request).


There are preconfigured file imports for master data, address data, contact data, organizational units, positions, organizational assignment.


There is a preconfigured import that imports the standardized master data export provided by the AKDB.

PARISplus (S-Finanzgruppe)

Use standardized queries to transfer master data, addresses, communication, measures, objects, relationships, cost centers, cost distribution, full classification, planned working time, organizational assignments, disability, working time, contract data, family, training, company functions, dates, secondary employment, partial retirement, basic pay, bank details, tax data, social insurance, recurring payments, one-off payments, pay scale groups, wage types, pay slips, absences. Write application data from HELIX Recruiting and the personnel questionnaire from HELIX Onboarding to the OSPlus recruitment process via the dynamic interface and from there to PARISplus. Import the education history and qualifications from HELIX Learning World to OSPlus QM and from there to PARISplus.

geno.HR-Basis (VR-Gruppe)

Use the automated iDocs Delta import of master data, addresses, communication, measures, objects, relationships, cost centres, cost distribution, collective classification, planned working time, organizational assignments, disability, working time, contract data, family, training, company functions, dates, secondary employment, partial retirement, basic pay, bank details, tax data, social insurance, recurring pay, one-off payments, pay scale groups, wage types, absences. Write back master data changes, address changes, marriages, divorces, secondary employment and absences to geno.HR-PM with a single click.


Seamlessly integrate the most important information from the Bite application management system into your HELIX workstation. Jump to the application management system via single sign-on and transfer successful applications to HELIX with a single click.

Federal Employment Agency

HELIX Recruiting can also automatically post every job advertisement on the Federal Employment Agency's job portal. This automatically increases the reach of your advertisements without any additional effort.


Seamlessly integrate the most important information from the concludis application management system into your HELIX workplace. Jump to the application management system via single sign-on and transfer successful applications to HELIX with a single click.


Define recruitment bonuses for your employees (recruit employees) directly in HELIX Recruiting. These jobs are automatically transferred to Radancy and can be advertised from there by your employees with personalized links.


HELIX Recruiting automatically transfers every job advertisement to the Indeed job board on request. This automatically increases the reach of your ads without any additional effort.


HELIX Recruiting enables the integration of PitchYou to communicate with applicants via WhatsApp.


Define recruitment bonuses for your employees (recruit employees) directly in HELIX Recruiting. These jobs are automatically transferred to Cleverconnect and can be distributed from there by your employees with personalized links. Applications automatically flow back into your system.


Job advertisements created in HELIX Recruiting can also be automatically displayed on Talentsconnect career pages with all information.


HELIX Recruiting integrates Textkernel's CV parsing to automatically extract information from CVs and use it in application management. Applicants can pre-fill their application with the data from the CV.


HELIX Recruiting integrates the interfaces of various job boards and multiposting providers in a standardized interface. This allows you to post your job advertisements on a wide range of job boards - without having to leave the application.

Bayerischer Landkreistag


GenoPersonalConsult GmbH VR-Karriere


KAV Bayern e.V.

S-Communication Services GmbH

Online tests

HELIX Recruiting enables the seamless integration of online tests for pre-selection. Access data can be generated with one click and sent by e-mail. The results, including the profile, are sent to HELIX Recruiting and can be viewed there.


geva Institut

HR Diagnostics AG

Info GmbH

pro fatcs Online-Asessment

Sparkassenakademie Bayern

S-Communication Services Talent 3.0

The HELIX Learning World offers the option of connecting training providers via an automated interface. The interface regularly imports the continuing education catalog with catalog structure, continuing education courses, dates, descriptions, locations, rooms, contacts and obtainable qualifications. Master data and registrations are transferred to the training providers, eliminating the need for duplicate maintenance. A single sign-on to the provider system is supported. Finally, the training history, including status and qualifications acquired, can be imported back into HELIX.

Akademie Bayerischer Genossenschaften (ABG)

Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften (ADG)


Deka Lernwelt

Genossenschaftsverband Weser Ems (GVWE)


Nord-Ostdeutsche Sparkassenakademie

Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg

Sparkassenakademie Bayern

Sparkassenakademie Hessen-Thüringen

Sparkassenakademie Nordrhein-Westfalen

Sparkassenakademie Rheinland-Pfalz


Versicherungskammer Bayern Lernerlebniswelt


The HELIX learning world offers a comprehensive LMS for importing and playing digital learning content. Standards such as SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, LTI and also xAPI+CMI5 are supported. As the manual import of packages can be time-consuming, we enable the automatic filling of the learning world with the learning content of many providers. The tedious import for the initial filling as well as for updates is no longer necessary, the contents are always available fully integrated in the HELIX learning world.


AEVO Digital+

BSK Digitale Fitness

Cyber Security Training

Deutsche Bundesbank



Frankfurt School


HERDT Helpdesk





Zinal Consulting


Upload videos directly from HELIX to the 3Q video server and play uploaded videos directly in HELIX without leaving our application. Benefit from the specialized functions of the 3Q video platform.

Atruvia calendar gateway (VR group)

Have appointments (e.g. vacation requests, sick notes, absences, further training) automatically written to your Outlook - without mails, calendars to be released or similar.


Preconfigured import to import the AWADO organizational guidelines into your company manual.

BVR F&C Catalog (VR Group)

Automatic distribution of tasks and requirements from the F&C catalog and job descriptions to the HELIX job description module.


Your Datafox time recording terminals transfer the entries and withdrawals directly to HELIX time recording.

We are here for you!

Want to find out more about our HR solutions and how they can solve your everyday challenges?

In a personal demo, our experts will show you how you can further optimize your processes with HELIX and answer all your questions.

Our experts will show you how you can further optimize your processes with Helix and answer all your questions in a personal demo.

Take the first step now.