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Geno.HR PM and HELIX Festival 2024: Networking, learning and lots of fun

Unfortunately, our Festivals 2024 are now over again. The festivals have now taken place for the fourth time and once again exceeded all expectations.

A total of around 450 customers from our geno.HR PM and Helix HR community came together at the two festival dates in Bamberg to discuss the latest developments in HR management HR management and to benefit from the experiences of others. The events, which have already established as a central meeting place for HR managers, were once again able to offer a perfect mix of knowledge, networking and entertainment.

The event for appreciative exchange and learning

Among other things, the festival participants could look forward to exciting masterclasses on current HR topics. From innovative recruiting approaches to digitalization in HR - the variety of topics offered something for everyone. participants. The lively exchange between experts once again proved that learning together from and with each other is the greatest added value of such events. The direct exchange and the opportunity to discuss concrete solutions to current challenges made the masterclasses in particular one of the most important program of our festivals.

The highlight: Networking

As every year, networking was the absolute highlight. Many participants particularly appreciate the personal exchange and the opportunity to make valuable contacts. Particularly exciting were the relaxed conversations during the breaks, in which participants shared their own experiences.

After an intensive day full of technical discussions and knowledge transfer, the social part of the evening followed. Comedian Christian Schulte-Loh made the participants laugh with his humorous program and and made for an all-round successful end to the day.

Conclusion: An event that is always worthwhile

Even though the organization and preparation of the festivals involves a great deal of effort - because, among other things we redesign our entire office for these events 😊 - everyone agreed: Once again, it was really worth it! really worth it again!

Moments like these, in which customers and organizers grow together and learn from each other, make the geno.HR PM and Helix Festival an unforgettable experience. And 2024 has also proven this: The event is more than just a conference - it is a place where ideas are born and innovations are born.

There is already great anticipation for next year and it remains exciting to see which topics will be the focus. One thing is certain: in 2025, the festivals will once again be a fixed date in the calendar of our HR community.

Here are the new dates for 2025

Helix Festival: 01./02.10.2025
Geno.HR PM: 08./09.10.2025

We are already looking forward to seeing you!