HenryThis PERBILITY veteran studied human resources management and psychology in Bamberg, Erlangen and Stockholm. As a thematic all-rounder, Henry knows every module of the system (a little), can hold his breath for two minutes and is a reigning Olympic judo champion.
Can-PiyerCan, has found his professional home in sales at PERBILITY. As a passionate Mercedes fan, he turns every highway into his private flight path. Can is the uncrowned king of every company party and is notorious for being faster on the dance floor than his own shadow. His sense of rhythm and elegant dance moves are legendary and make the amateur choreographer the secret weapon of every "Lets Dance" season.
DirkAlthough the committed banker, networker and trainer is an "old hand" in the field of training, he only joined PERBILITY in March 2020, just in time for the lockdown. The enthusiastic marathon runner holds training sessions on various modules and won a Bambi for his life's work in 2017.
TiagoAfter completing a course in business administration and several years of experience in sales, Tiago found his way into our sales department in 2022. Our favorite Portuguese was a bartender in his former life and mixes cocktails for his colleagues here and there. In addition to his job at PERBILITY, the passionate soccer fan also shares the striker position with his compatriot Cristiano Ronaldo in the Portuguese national team.
RenéRené has been with PERBLIITY since the very beginning. The qualified psychologist has been looking after customers in the feedback area since the very beginning. Rene also holds a record in the Guinness Book: for the longest e-mails ever written.
DanielThe banking graduate and former savings banker works in product management at PERBILTY. He is much better structured here than when he was preparing for his first marathon attempt. Otherwise, his work-life balance is full yin yang, not least because of his master's degree in kungfu from a late Ming dynasty.
JuliaThe Lower Bavarian came to Bamberg to study for her Bachelor's and Master's degree, got to know and love PERBLIITY as a working student and, following her studies, came on board as an expert for feedback topics. In addition to customer contact, she loves Italian pizza and mountainous seas.
CarolaCarola has been on board at PERBILITY since December 2022 and looks after our customers. A qualified banker, she used to work for Geno-Banken and has been familiar with many of our modules from a customer perspective for years. Born in Franconia, she emigrated to the Palatinate and has now returned to her roots. She prefers to spend her free time with family and friends.
JenniferJennifer sets up systems, gets modules rolling and fulfills customer requests. She has a wealth of experience in all our modules, a wide range of pedagogical areas and was once the Wine Queen of South Tyrol. She loves traveling and getting to know foreign cultures.
ManfredManfred not only drastically raises the average age of the team, but also the number of people who work enthusiastically and successfully with our modules. After completing a banking apprenticeship, a degree in business administration and a professorship in botany, he worked in a leading position at a savings bank for many years.
JochenJochen is a qualified psychologist and has the most gray hair in the Feedbacks team. He has been passionately supporting and advising our clients on surveys, management feedback and employee appraisals since 2009. In his spare time, he is an enthusiastic bushcrafter and enjoys exploring the woods. Jochen has never had a tick bite or mosquito bite. Even insects have their pride...
CarolinIn her previous life, Carolin explained to dentists how to use software. She joined the customer service team in July 2022. True to the motto "No one who has given their best has regretted it later." the passionate customer advisor always does her best to ensure that her customers are satisfied and feel well looked after. If her batteries are empty, she recharges them by doing sport or enjoying nature. If time permits, she also likes to go to the mountains.
ChristianAfter studying business administration and working in human resources at Siemens, Christian joined us over 10 years ago. The camping enthusiast was the owner of the world-famous Nordbayern roof tent rental company and sells our products with rock-solid conviction. In his spare time, he enjoys winter sports and Croatian poetry.
AndrèAndré joined our customer service team in March 2021 after completing his business studies. As part of his training as a fitness and nutrition coach, he obtained his black belt in origami. He also enjoys sports in his free time: volleyball, swimming and looking after his two cats are among his hobbies.
MichaelMichael is one of the few people who manage to make water burn. Within the company, the sociology graduate stands for passionate and outstanding product management, inline field hockey records and stories from the good old days when PERBILITY still had 10 employees.
KarinaKarina not only brings wind into the sails of her yacht, but also into those of the sales department. The proven tea expert brings over 15 years of sales experience on board and is now making the benefits of our PM modules palatable to our customers. In her free time, she seeks happiness on horseback or practices the downward dog on the yoga mat.
DanielSince April 2022, Daniel has been working as an account manager to ensure that our customers are satisfied and feel well looked after. As a forwarding agent, he learned how to move things from A to B and then studied how best to justify why the money was spent on it. His motto in life is E L A P F: Enthusiasm, Learning, Action, Positive Attitude and Fun, which are the cornerstones of his life. He tries to live and pass on these values in everything he does.
MichaelDespite a traumatizing job interview with his boss, Mitch, a graduate historian and former financial advisor, has been the hottest guy in the sales team for three years now. And not just because he talks more than most woman and has started the world-famous trend of relative weight loss.
JörgAs an international consultant, Jörg has traveled the world between Basel and Manila. Now the singer in a punk band and former German youth basketball champion takes over the customer webinars at PERBILITY from Bamberg. The business IT graduate and time recording expert has swapped the jet-set life for looking after two pet cats.
LisaOn board since 2014, Lisa navigates customers purposefully on the road to success in applicant and apprenticeship management. She is a trained hotel manager and loving dog mom to a loyal four-legged friend named CHECK-IN
MarkFor a long time, he was the oldest employee in the company, but Mark is now only the second. The trained banker, former martial artist and racing driver takes care of our customers in addition to training. After work, he indulges in Äbbelwoi and Handkääs and produces science fiction radio plays in Hessian (market niche!).
LenaA graduate mathematician and passionate trainer, she has been responsible for training workshops and webinars since July 2019 and has a particular soft spot for refresher days. In her spare time, Lena is a theater costume designer and holds various biathlon records.
KatrinBachelor in Business Administration, Master in Business Psychology, PhD in HELIX. Katrin joined PERBILITY in September 2020 and now supports our customers with tickets and rollouts. She loves volleyball, hiking and has already met the great white shark's big brother on a diving safari.
ErikDuring his time as a professional basketball player, Erik traveled extensively in Germany and around the world and joined PERBILITY in autumn 2021. He prefers to spend his free time with his family in the fresh air and looking after his animals on his own farm.